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- Newton, Christy
Begin Again (Crimson Romance) Page 7
Begin Again (Crimson Romance) Read online
Page 7
Ryan lifted the straw up to Jacob’s lips so he could take a sip. “You’ll be okay. Time will heal your bones and your heart.”
“I’m not one of your sick animals!” Jacob lashed out.
Ryan pressed his lips together. “Never thought you were. Get some rest.” He needed a break. Jacob was angry, and he wasn’t in the mood to be his punching bag. They’d both feel better tomorrow.
Ryan walked down the hall and, to his surprise, saw Maisie turn the corner carrying a drink holder and a white paper bag. His heart grew lighter at the sight of her rosy cheeks. She’d never looked so pretty. While she looked great in simple tennis shoes and jeans, a sexy skirt and heels screamed out that she was a beautiful woman.
She held up the bag and the cardboard carrier. “I thought you could use some caffeine that didn’t taste like sludge.”
Ryan smiled. “Thanks. How’d you know I’d be here?”
Maisie handed him the coffee. “Your friend is in the hospital — where else would you be?”
He took a much-needed drink of the liquid energy. The Styrofoam cup warmed his fingertips, but it was Maisie that warmed his heart. “Thanks for this. That was really sweet of you.”
She held up the bag. “I also have pie.”
His stomach growled at the thought. “Let’s find someplace to eat. I think I saw some picnic tables outside.”
Maisie nodded, making a strand of hair fall over her eye. She reached up and pushed it over. “It’s a nice day. The warmest we’ve had so far.”
Ryan led her outside and over to a picnic table under a huge oak tree. Most of the grass was still brown, but patches were turning green. Hyacinths peeked out of the earth nearby as if reaching for the sunshine. Maisie sat down across from him, which was a good thing. If she got too close he would be tempted to pull her into his arms.
“How’s your friend doing?” Maisie asked.
Ryan sighed. “His bones will heal. It’s his heart and his pride I’m worried about.”
Maisie broke the crust off her pie and threw it to some birds.
He looked at her as though she’d just committed a crime. “You gave away the best part.”
Maisie shrugged. “I don’t really care for crust.”
Ryan drew his eyebrows together. “That’s funny.”
Maisie tilted her head and looked at him, then they both laughed.
Maisie got her laugher under control. “What happened to him?”
Ryan chewed his last bite. “He has a complicated relationship with his ex-wife. Long story short, he was on his way back to see her to discuss counseling.”
Maisie frowned. “She must have been terrified to learn he was in an accident. Is she on her way?”
Ryan shook his head. “That’s just it, she isn’t. She is a very selfish person and didn’t want to take time from her precious career to take care of Jacob.”
Maisie got a confused look on her face and finally said, “Poor Jacob.”
Ryan sighed. “Yeah, and I had to be the one to break the news to him.”
“Does he have family? Is anyone coming for him?”
“No. His only family close by is his momma, and she’s in a nursing home. I’m all he has.”
Maisie put her warm, soft hand over his. “Then he’s lucky.” She removed her hand before she finished the sentence. “I’ve witnessed what a great friend you are firsthand.”
He tried to smile but her words hit him in the heart. Was that what she thought of him? A friend?
“Thanks for the food. I’d better get back inside.” He stood up and tried to hide the disappointment he knew was reflected in his eyes.
Maisie started her car and convinced herself that Ryan was just under a lot of stress and that was why he’d rushed off. Now she knew how he must have felt when she left him without explanation at the carnival.
Driving home, she wondered what she would do all day without work to keep her busy. Ryan would need dinner. Maybe she could bring him something to eat later. She made a U-turn and headed to the grocery. If her family had taught her one thing, it was that when someone was upset, stressed, or even happy, food was the answer.
Maisie parked in a close parking spot and ran into the supermarket. She grabbed a cart and pushed it to the meat aisle. She’d never been much of a cook, but she could make decent lemon-pepper pork chops. Luke used to love ’em. She sighed and shook her head. Her grip tightened on the cart handle.
• • •
The smoke alarm went off when Maisie’s potatoes boiled over. She bit her lip and grabbed a towel to fan the smoke. It had been a while since she’d cooked a meal. She grabbed a potholder and poured the foamed water into the sink. The oven buzzed, and she set the pot of mushy potatoes aside and took out the pork chops. Good, at least they were okay. She scraped the bottom of the pot where the blackened potato mush had stuck. Giving up, she ran cold water and squirted dish soap over the mess. So they’d just have the chops with rolls. Oh, no! She slapped her forehead, she’d forgotten the rolls.
“What are you doing to my kitchen?” Cady walked in with her eyes open wide in alarm.
Maisie looked in the cabinet for bread. “Cooking?”
“Cooking or burning my house down?” Cady laughed and shook her head. “If you were hungry, you could have heated up the leftover spaghetti from last night.”
Maisie settled on a package of buns. Pork sandwiches it was. Good thing she’d bought boneless. “This isn’t for me, exactly.”
“Really?” Cady grabbed her shoulders and turned Maisie to face her. “Is this for Ryan?”
“Don’t get the wrong idea. I’m just repaying kindness, that’s all. He’s stuck at County Hospital with his friend. The food there is inedible.” Maisie placed the sandwiches in some Tupperware.
“That’s sweet of you. You know, it would be okay if you liked this guy.” Cady crossed her arms and looked at her.
“I do like him. He’s a great friend. And a great veterinarian, which I need now that I have two pets.”
“Mmm-hmm.” Cady took the spaghetti out of the fridge. “Well, I’m just glad you’re getting out and taking some time off from the diner.”
“I’ll be back in a couple of hours.” Maybe sooner.
Cady called out as Maisie was leaving the kitchen, “And sis? You owe me a new pot!”
• • •
“The doctor says I can go home tomorrow,” Jacob told Ryan as he turned off the TV.
Ryan pushed his hands in his pockets. “That’s great. I hired a caregiver to stay with you. Her name is Stella.”
A smile crossed Jacob’s lips. “Maybe Stella could take my mind off Kate.”
Ryan shrugged. “Stella is a sixty-five-year-old retired nurse. You want me to have her give you a sponge bath?” He could barely get out the word “bath” without laughing.
Jacob rolled his eyes. “Great. Thanks, man.”
Ryan grinned. “Hey, they say laughter is the best medicine.”
“I think that only works when it’s the patient doing the laughing.”
Ryan laughed even harder at his friend’s statement.
They both turned at the sound of a knock on the door.
“Am I missing a party in here?” Maisie asked as she peeked her head into the room.
She was back, and she lit up the dreary room. If he couldn’t date her, at least he had her friendship. Ryan smiled. “Not a party, but a celebration. Jacob gets to go home tomorrow.” Ryan nodded to Jacob. “Jacob, meet Maisie. Maisie, meet Jacob.”
She held up a brown paper bag. “I brought you some real food.”
Jacob sat up in bed. “Bless you. I don’t know how anyone can eat this mush they pass off as food here.”
“I know, right?” Maisie
took the Tupperware container out of the bag and handed each of them a thick sandwich.
Ryan’s hand brushed against hers. Yep, the same jolt of awareness still shot through him. Remaining only a friend to her would be a challenge. He bit into his pork on a bun. The meat was tender and juicy with plenty of flavor, unlike the hospital’s cuisine. “Thanks for this.”
“You’re welcome,” Maisie said before she took a bite of her own sandwich.
“This taste’s great. What is it?” Jacob asked.
“Lemon-pepper pork.”
“I thought I tasted lemon,” Ryan said. Add a great cook to Maisie’s many qualities. Qualities he’d like in a woman who was more than just a friend.
“So, Ryan tells me you’re a critter-lover like him.” Jacob smirked.
Maisie blushed. Ryan loved it when she blushed.
“Not until recently.” She wiped her face and hands on a napkin. “I have a hamster and a bunny.”
Jacob nodded. “I’m more of a dog person, myself.”
A nurse came into the room to get Jacob’s vitals. “That isn’t pork chops I smell is it?”
Maisie sucked in her lips and hid the half-eaten sandwich behind her back. “Not anymore.”
The nurse laughed. “It’s okay, honey. I won’t tell anyone.” She glanced out to the hall. “Food’s not the greatest here.”
“No, ma’am,” Maisie replied.
Ryan and Jacob laughed when the nurse left.
Maisie walked by Ryan to throw the trash away and he could smell a hint of strawberries in her hair. He ached to hold her close to him and take in her sweet scent.
She turned around, so he looked away. “Well, I better let the patient get some rest.”
Jacob yawned. “I am tired now that I have a full stomach.”
Maisie grabbed her bag and purse.
Ryan wasn’t ready for her to go. “I’ll walk you to your car.”
“Thanks.” She looked over at Jacob. “Good meeting you.”
Jacob smiled and closed his eyes. “Great meeting you. Thanks for the food.”
Ryan led Maisie through the sterile hospital hall. He noticed she tensed up some as she walked until they got outside, then he could see her shoulders relax. Could it have something to do with the loss of her husband and child? Maybe someday she’d feel comfortable enough to tell him what happened.
She turned to him when they reached her car. He couldn’t think of anything to say, so he said the first thing that came to mind. “How’s Boots?”
“Fine. He doesn’t have any more missing fur.”
She beeped her car unlocked, and he stepped out of the way for her to open the door.
He put a hand on top of the hood. “Maybe I’ll see you at the diner tomorrow.”
He thought he saw her eyes light up, but maybe he’d imagined it.
“Okay.” She smiled and got into her car.
Ryan moved his hand from the hood and stuck both hands in his pockets. As he watched her drive away, he realized he missed her already.
• • •
Ryan was eager to get the day over with so he could see Maisie at the diner. He looked at his schedule, happy to see it would be a busy day. He grabbed a lab coat and went into one of the examination rooms.
“I have some bad news,” Alice said before Ryan washed his hands, getting ready for his first patient.
“What?” He dried his hands on a paper towel and looked at her with concern.
She frowned. “My hubby’s company is relocating him. We have to move in a few weeks or he’ll lose his job.”
Alice was a great employee. How would he ever replace her so fast? “You have to do what’s best for your family. I understand, but I will miss you.”
Alice smiled. “I’ll miss you, too. This is all so sudden, I apologize.”
“It’s okay. Run an ad. I’ll need to find someone quick so you can train them before you leave.”
Alice nodded and sent in the parakeet waiting to be examined.
• • •
Maisie rubbed her eyes. She hadn’t gotten much sleep last night. The same nightmare that haunted her sleep played over in her mind. The noise, the blood, the ultimate loss. Outside the diner window, the gray sky cast shadows and blocked out the sun. The gloom was sucking her right into its sadness. Was Luke trying to tell her something? Was he angry with her for liking Ryan? She watched the raindrops slide down the window. Like tears.
“Maisie, you okay?” Lola asked behind her.
She turned to face Lola and realized she’d been holding in her hand the empty coffee pot she was supposed to be refilling five minutes ago.
“I’m fine. Didn’t get much sleep last night is all.” What else was new?
“Me either, had an exam to study for.” Lola stuck a fresh piece of gum in her mouth. “So are you going to tell me why you took a personal day?”
Maisie thought of how to word her answer. “Just visiting a friend.”
Lola grinned. “Would that friend happen to be tall, blond, gorgeous, and holding an umbrella?”
Maisie looked over at the door where Ryan had just came in, shaking the water off his blue umbrella. Though it was still raining, the sight of Ryan was just as good as if the sun had come back out.
“I’ll get back with you on that,” Maisie said to Lola before heading over to the counter and getting Ryan the slice of pie she knew he’d order.
She walked over to the counter and placed his dessert and milk in front of him. “Anything else?”
Ryan shook his head. He looked distracted. “Not unless you know where I can find a new assistant.”
Maisie tucked her pen behind her ear and leaned on the counter. “Why? What happened to Alice?”
“Her husband is relocating, so they have to move in a few weeks.” He took a big bite and sighed.
“Hmm, well, I can ask around if you want.”
Ryan smiled. “Ask fast, will you?”
The diner was slow, and Maisie didn’t have any customers to wait on at the moment. She took out a towel and pretended to wipe the already clean countertop in front of Ryan.
“Thanks again for the sandwiches yesterday.” He winked, which made her blush.
“You’re welcome.” Since it was obvious the counter couldn’t get any cleaner, she filled the salt and pepper shakers. “How’s Jacob doing?”
Ryan placed his folded napkin on top of his empty plate. “I’m headed home now to find out. Can I get a slice to go?”
She grabbed a Styrofoam container from under the counter. “Sure.”
“Jacob wanted to try the pie that keeps me coming back to this diner every night.”
Darn. And she thought it might have had something to do with her. “Coming right up.” She went to go get his to-go order so deep in thought, she almost bumped into Lola carrying a tray of soup and grilled cheese.
“Sorry.” She paused and bit her lip. “Hey, I just found out Ryan is looking for a new assistant. Would you be interested?”
Lola shook her head. “Nah, that one day of volunteering did me in. I think I’ll stick with food.”
Maisie shrugged. “Okay.”
Lola’s eyes widened. “Wait a minute. I know the perfect person.”
Maisie closed the Styrofoam container. “Who?”
Lola laughed and pointed to her.
Maisie scrunched her eyebrows. “Me?”
Lola popped her pink bubble gum so loud it echoed off the kitchen walls. “Well you do seem to like animals and the vet who takes care of them.”
Maisie rolled her eyes. “We’re friends.”
“I saw the way you looked at him.” She grinned. “It’s okay, you know.”
It was one thing for Maisie to think abou
t Ryan. It was a whole other thing for her to admit how she was feeling out loud to someone else. The guilt and confusion settled back in the pit of her stomach.
“We’re friends.” She turned and walked back to take her friend his pie.
• • •
Ryan stroked Rex’s soft fur. A lot of people didn’t realize that rats were great lap pets, Jacob included.
His friend sat on the recliner across from the couch. “I’m not sure I could get past his tail.”
Ryan got up to take Rex back to his cage. “It’s just a tail. I don’t know why people squirm like it’s some kind of venomous snake.”
Jacob laughed. “Something else you’d probably have as a pet.”
Ryan rolled his eyes. One night and his best friend was already getting on his nerves. Hopefully he was a fast healer. “Not a venomous one.” He got up to take Jacob’s trash to the kitchen. “So what’d you think of the apple pie?”
“Not bad, but your momma’s is still the best.” He smirked. “And since my metabolism works slower than yours, I’d better not eat it every night.”
Ryan nodded. He missed his parents. Maybe it was time for them to come and visit him. “I think I’ll have a cookout Saturday and invite them. I was trying to get settled in before I had them make the trip here, but I know Momma is dying to see where I’m living.”
Jacob popped a pain pill the hospital had given him. “Do they know I’m staying here?”
“I feel so helpless.” He leaned his head back on the chair and looked up to the ceiling. “I promise I’ll pay you back.”
“I know you will. Just worry about getting better right now, okay?”
Jacob nodded and stood up with the help of his crutch. Ryan watched him limp down the hall to the guest room. Jacob would be able to walk without the crutch in a week or two. Maybe that would help lift his spirits.
• • •
Maisie struggled with Lola’s words while she washed her hair. Ever since she had suggested that she go work for Ryan, Maisie couldn’t stop thinking about it. Was it a good idea? She liked the diner. If she were to leave, she’d miss Lola and Ginger and even the regulars. But she had felt good when she helped the animals the day she’d volunteered. Would being that close to Ryan every day be a good idea? Or would it be torture? Would the clinic be busy enough to keep her sad thoughts at bay?